Just Bloggin'

Real Life Dreams

Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. -Ephesians 3:20

WOW! What a great weekend I had attending the Proverbs 31 Ministries Online Bible Study Retreat in Asheville, North Carolina. So much truth was spoken by Melissa Taylor, Lisa Allen, and Nicki Koziarz. I took so many notes and God spoke to my heart in many ways. The word of the weekend was dreams. What are our dreams? Not fairytale, happily ever after dreams but our real life dreams. I’ve had dreams in my lifetime. Dreams to encourage women with my life and life stories and God’s word. Dreams of writing a children’s book or a book of encouragement for women. Dreams such as being the best mom and wife I can be or just blogging more. Here’s the thing, I always let doubt and fear and rejection hold me back. What ifs fill my mind and my heart and block me from pursuing those dreams. God is speaking to me, he is stirring something in my soul. Telling me that if I don’t go after my dreams I’ll be missing out on a lot of blessings He has for me. Do I just want to go about life living mediocre? Don’t get me wrong, I love being a mom, a wife and I love running my own home daycare. I can do so much more then that though. I can be and do all those things plus more. I guess when I really think about it I would feel selfish for pursuing my dreams. Dedicating time to myself doesn’t feel right with a husband, son and two fur babies (our cat and dog). Though God keeps telling me to not forget about me, don’t let my dreams die. I’m so thankful for the time I got to spend at The Cove in the beautiful mountains. I’m thankful for the rest I got and the time with God that I got to spend. I’m thankful for the quiet voice of God speaking to me and reviving me. Now its time to pursue some dreams one step at a time.
